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Renewal--Option To Renew At Specified Rental


Lessee is given [Number of Options] successive options to renew the lease for a [Number of years]-year period, upon the same terms and conditions of the lease, [if different rentals are to be applicable to renewal, add: provided, however, the rent during each such renewal period shall be as follows]:

[number of months or years 1] $ [Amount to pay 1]

[number of months or years 2] $ [Amount to pay 2]

[Number of months or years] $ [Amount to pay] payable [monthly or annually] in advance. Such options must be exercised by lessees giving of a written notice of renewal to lessor, not less than [Days of notice] days before the expiration of the terms of this lease, or any renewal of the lease.

This is a UCC Form. It is intended to supplement other forms.